Can anyone take this class?

Yes! You don’t need to be enrolled at Brooklyn College or the Feirstein Graduate School of Cinema. Enrolling in this class does not serve as an offer of admissions to Brooklyn College.

Does this class offer college credit?

Yes! This is an accredited graduate class. You can transfer these credits to your current college, either graduate or undergraduate.

What does it cost?

$4000 for 60 hours of instruction time spent getting hands on experience shooting on a variety of motion picture cameras.

How long does it last?

Class is 60 hours over 10 days in June; Monday-Friday, 11am-5pm, for 2 weeks.

June 17-28

Do I get to shoot my own thing?

Yes. Every student gets 400 feet of film to shoot something of their own on the stages or a nearby location. You keep the negative and scan when you are done. This is roughly five minutes of footage, which can be a spec commercial, music video, narrative scene, or just reel pieces.

How Much time is “Hands On”?

The class is built around hands on time every single day for all 8 days. Day 1 and 2 everyone learns how to build all the cameras (Panavision and Arri), and expose negative. We’ll do a “shoot schedule” (who is shooting what day, for days 3-10), and then every day we shoot.

Crews will be 4-5 people, generally a “DP” supervising the shoot, an operator, a first AC, and a Gaffer. You can ask your crew to be actors, cast outside actors, or shoot a product shot.

You’ll rotate through crew positions, so day 1 you might first AC, day 2 operator, then day 3 is your shoot as a DP.

Every day you’ll have hands on in a small crew environment either operator or lighting analogue film.

Can I shoot more film?

Additional film expenses are up to the student. Some students want to buy more film and shoot longer, but 400 feet is plenty to shoot something interesting. And you’ll get hands on time on other students projects.


We have parking at the Steiner lot for those in the tri-state area who want to drive in.